Japan Noodle Trio is perfect for those with no time to cook and no ability to choose between two great Japanese flavors.

If you’re a fan of cup ramen and other varieties of instant noodles, you may have had someone scoff and dismiss your choice of sustenance as food for lazy people. But you know better, because you understand that instant noodles are food for busy people.

And if you’re really pressed for time? Then you’ll be happy to know that instant noodle master Nissin is bringing out three new varieties that each combine two great tastes of Japanese cuisine.

The series is dubbed the Japan Noodle Trio, and leading the double-duty charge is the Cup Noodle Matcha, combining the strengths of the world-famous instant ramen with green tea. “Wait a second, Casey” you might be thinking, “I remember you eating green tea Cup Noodles three years ago and saying you didn’t like them much at all!” If so, thank you for remembering, but also be aware that this is an all-new recipe. Whereas the old matcha Cup Noodle had a seafood-and-cheese powder broth, which was pungent, harsh, and overpowered the green tea, the new version’s broth mixes matcha with chicken stock, which should be a much milder, and more harmonious, combination.

Next up is the U.F.O. Umekombucha Salty Yakisoba, with a broth inspired by the beverage kombucha. “Hold on a minute, Casey,” you might be wondering, “I remember you saying Japanese kombucha is different from American kombucha, so which one is this?” It’s the Japanese type, meaning a tea made with kelp (kombu in Japanese), and in this case seasoned with ume, tart Japanese plum.

And last, there’s the Donbei Sukiyaki Udon. “Pause for a moment, Casey,” you’re no doubt murmuring, “I’m not sure if I remember you writing about sukiyaki before” (I actually have, but I’ll let the mistake slide in appreciation of your fantastic memory up to this point). The Donbei Sukiyaki is the least innovative of Nissin’s three new items, especially considering that udon noodles are a pretty standard addition to an orthodox pot of sukiyaki. Still, it’s hard to imagine anyone being unhappy about the addition of the rich, sweet broth used in Japan’s most prestigious beef stew.

All three members of the Japan Noodles Trio are identically priced at 193 yen (US$1.80) and go on sale nationwide in Japan on July 6.

Source: Nissin via Japaaan
Top image: Nissin
Insert images: Nissin (1, 2, 3)
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