The wildly popular manga and animated series, Attack on Titan, continues to charge on, picking up speed and treating us all to a bevy of fan-related events before its live-action film debut in 2015. Now, for a limited time only, Osaka will play host to a very special “Survey Corps Museum”, with original illustrations, exclusive merchandise and awesome, life-sized 3-D maneuver gear. If you’re a fan of Attack on Titan, then take a look at what’s waiting for you in Osaka for the next 16 days…
The unique exhibits will be on display at Osaka’s ATC (Asia & Pacific Trade Center) from January 31 until February 16. Admission is 800 yen and opening hours are 1:00pm to 8:00pm on weekdays (last entry 7:30pm) and 10:00am to 5:00pm on Saturdays (last entry 4:30pm). Promotional posters encourage visitors to come in their cosplay outfits!
Members of the Survey Corps are on hand to greet members of the general public. Now cosplayers can strike a pose with their favourite characters and compare outfits! One of the most popular characters, Levi (above, far right), actually looks a little shorter than we expected.
Visitors will be crowding around the museum’s pièce de résistance: the 3-D maneuver gear. Featuring gas cylinders and grapple hooks so elite soldiers can fight while flying through the air, this full-sized version is incredibly unique.
Faithfully reproduced using original sketches from the animated series, many netizens from around the country are planning to trek to Osaka just so they can lay eyes on this beauty in person.
Visitors can also browse through scripts, storyboards and original illustrations from the animated series.
In the special photo corner area you can pop on a titan’s mask, prop one hand on the wall and instantly transform yourself into a 60-metre, 190-foot-tall Colossal Titan, looking into the walled city for a tasty human meal.
Venue details:
Asia & Pacific Trade Center
2−1−10 Nankokita, Suminoe Ward, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture
Phone: +81 6-6615-5230
Sources: ATC イベント情報 Facebook, Asia Pacific Trade Center
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