
Curses for sale on Japan’s leading flea market site Mercari

Damnation delivered right to your door.

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Air from 2022 for sale on Japanese flea market app Mercari

Start the new year off with some great deals on vintage air!

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Japan’s biggest K-pop fans might just be senior citizens, survey shows

Fandom knows no age!

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Japan’s supply of Zima runs dry, online resellers take over and jack up prices

Zomething expenzive.

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Stop selling oxygen, Japanese flea market app Mercari tells users, as stocks run out

Panic buying takes hold of Japan once more, only this time it’s for oxygen.

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Shortage of chocolatey milk enhancer Milo has Japanese resellers licking their chops

Truly the winter of our discontent.

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Used Pokémon popsicle sticks are selling for hundreds of dollars online in Japan

Used Pikachu Garigari-kun sticks are being bought for over 140 times the cost of a new box of the frozen treats.

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Flour products sell online for outrageous prices in Japan as demand for them skyrockets

As the Ministry of Agriculture urges everyone to stay calm and rest assured that there is no shortage of flour

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Japanese Twitter impressed by online seller who added free masks to orders in light of shortage

A nice gesture from an anonymous person has Twitter users all a-titter.

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