
Anime figures damaged in earthquake? Tokyo manufacturer offers to repair them for free

A new lease on life for figures from series about rebirth.

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You might think Yugi would walk away with this one, but fans in Japan felt differently.

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Singular devotion to maid-uniformed fan favorite results in a home like no other.

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Japanese Twitter user divides anime into “world-class” and “ones otaku think are world-class”

Sparks heated debate about which type deserves worldwide recognition.

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Japanese netizens get into a debate over Britney Spears’ kids’ anime art

Everyone’s a critic these days, even when it comes to children’s drawings.

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Start your day with a wake up call from Re:Zero’s Emilia or Rem!

The recently released Re:Zero Alarm smartphone app fulfils your dreams of taking Emilia or Rem to bed.

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German Re:Zero cosplayer is winning over the hearts of Japanese netizens

This Chinese-German cosplayer is getting lots of love for her portrayal of some of the series’ less represented characters.

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