You can give your ride a stealthy otaku makeover without spending a single cent…but the results could be very temporary or very permanent.
It’s been several years since one of modern anime’s greatest betrayals, but otaku heartache lingers, and must be treated with merciless road rash.
Singular devotion to maid-uniformed fan favorite results in a home like no other.
Furious itasha owner turns his anime car into a literally painful trap of spikes after trip to Daiso
Following vandalism of his beloved otaku ride, owner takes drastic measures to protect it from unwelcome hands.
With just a few more days to go, fans of anime itasha and Key’s newest visual novel ought to check this out before it’s gone.
Compact car company Daihatsu joins forces with virtual singer Hatsune Miku to make a car design so cute it’ll stop traffic.
Like automotive magpies, we fall in love with something shiny. Now just to find a(nother) car to put it in.
An amazingly simply but cool idea to really help your itasha anime characters’ eyes “pop.”
Itasha brings the pain to plushie from rival of owner’s favorite anime series.
Tokyo college kid is ahead of the merchandising curve as he goes beyond itasha to show his love for this season’s hit camping anime.
A year of driving the Mr. Sato itasha turned out to be far too long for its owner, so we bid it goodbye in the cheapest way we could.
Not ready to convert your own car into a shrine for your favorite anime characters? No problem, this rental car company will loan you one!
What happens after you roll up this car’s window is bound to give you a good laugh, courtesy of Madoka Magica‘s Mami Tomoe.
A car with your own face plastered on every inch of the body is the epitome of a “customized car.” How could they refuse?
“Itasha” (literally, “painful cars”) don’t have to look painful at all when done by the right pros!