
Man threatens to set fire to Sega offices, beat employees’ family members to death

Inability to handle gamer rage leads to arrest.

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Idol otaku arrested for bomb threat after his idol T-shirt gets burned

He did the one thing you shouldn’t do if you don’t want your idol merch to go up in smoke.

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Final Fantasy publisher Square Enix receives death threat from gamer angry at loot boxes/gacha

”Wash your necks and wait!” commands gamer who didn’t get the item he wanted.

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Fukuoka man arrested for threatening to kill schoolgirls who wear socks

Suspect in his forties claims he wanted to bring back the “good old days.”

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World on high alert as North Korea flexes its video FX muscle【Video】

New video shows that North Korea is possibly in possession of the Action Movie FX app, arguably the most devastating weapon simulation app known to man.

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Old man chases dentist with metal rod, threatens to make him “taste the same pain”

Like something in a badly written comedy sketch, the elderly man allegedly began chasing his dentist around the room, shouting: “I’ll make you taste the same pain!”

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Chiba teacher arrested for threats to “blow up government buildings” because of Saturday classes

On 19 July the Noda City department of the Chiba Prefectural Police announced the arrest of 49-year-old elementary school teacher Masaki Yabusaki on charges of intimidation.

The suspect had allegedly sent around half a dozens emails to the Noda Board of Education with oddly-worded threatening remarks such as “I will blow up bad guys and their government buildings” if they didn’t rescind a decision to extend the school week to include Saturday classes introduced this year.

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The above pictured tweet was posted at 1:27 p.m. JST yesterday. Despite ending with a smiley emoticon, the harrowing message openly states that “a random attack” will take place at 10 a.m. on the Japan Rail Gifu station, Gifu Prefecture, at around 10 a.m. today.

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Messing with These Vending Machines May Result in Severing of Fingers and/or Published Photos of Your Genitals

Rumor has it that among the numerous maid cafés, manga, DVD, and video game shops in Akihabara, Tokyo, there exists a unique corner full of vending machines.

The machines contain typical fare for Japan – colas, teas, snacks, condoms, and such – but are guarded by savage penalties unbecoming of the general levels of politeness in this country. In fact, often involving dismemberment, these penalties seem more at home in a bleak post-apocalyptic Thunderdome type society than urban Tokyo.

Few know about this legendary group of vending machines outside of Akihabara aficionados. So our reporter, Kuzo, decided to venture up the electric river of Akihabara in search of the Heart of Vending Machine Darkness.

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