
Handmade goods have a certain appeal that seems to transcend time. As much as we love our precisely designed and machine-crafted products, it’s hard to deny the draw of individually crafted items. Whether its watches or high fashion, knowing something was put together by a dedicated worker just makes it that much better.

So while these cat bags are nothing short of insanely adorable, the fact that they were all individually handmade by one person makes them that much more awesome!

Twitter user @picopoco08 describes herself as cat-loving housewife who also enjoys “making cats,” as in stuffed cat toys and bags. She’s also won herself quite a few fans online thanks to her amazing creations, which are some of the cutest bags we’ve seen in a long while!

Last month, a photo of one of her cat bags exploded in popularity on Twitter, accumulating thousands of retweets and favorites. The bag, which ended up as a three-color cat, started as a simple white cat, as you can see in the photos below.

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After completing the white cat, @picopocoo8 set about coloring by air-brushing it with acrylic paint. This is exactly the kind of face we can’t say no to!

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We had already started reaching for our wallets when we learned some bad news: @picopocoo8 has already sold this adorable bag on Yahoo! Auction. When we learned the price the item sold for, however, we felt awe more than anything else; the three-color cat above ended up going for a whopping 83,000 yen (roughly US$700)! And while that’s pretty high, her creations are well-known for fetching large sums. The grey cat bag below was also sold on Yahoo! Auction for 66,000 yen (about $550).

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Here’s another kitty bag she sold on the online auction site. If you’re wishing you had the chance to bid on some of these adorable creations, you may be in luck…

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Here’s @picopocoo8’s current project, an adorable black cat. In the tweet below, she says that the cat has a masculine face, though she’s still in the process of trimming it.

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Be sure to follow @picopocoo8 on Twitter to keep up with all her projects and maybe get a chance to bid on them!

Sources: Iro Iro, Twitter/@picopocoo8
Top image: Twitter/@picopoco08 (1, 2, 3, 4)
Images: Twitter/@picopoco08 (1, 2, 3, 4)

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