An entire pack of Pikachus wants to wish you and your sweetheart all the best as you start married life.

It’s been a busy month for Pikachu. First, the Pokémon mascot officially welcomed the Pokémon manhole cover project to Tokyo. Then it was time to announce that he’s recording a duet with “Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen” singer Pikotaro. And now, the most-loved Pocket Monster is ready to help fans pledge their love to each other, with a brand-new, legally binding Pikachu marriage registration form.

The marriage form comes courtesy of Japanese wedding planning magazine Zexy. This is actually Zexy’s second time to provide readers with a Pikachu marriage form, as it also included one in an issue in 2017. However, the new document seeks to address a shortcoming of the previous one: the 2017 marriage form only had two Pikachus on it, while the new version has many, many more.

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It’s officially being called the “Excessively Pikachu Marriage Registration Form,” although speaking form experience we don’t think it’s ever actually possible to have too many of them around.

If you want Pikachu to be part of not just the moment you and your betrothed become spouses, but the ensuing celebrations as well, Zexy has also created a Pikachu “welcome board,” a decorative placard to place at the entrance to your reception bearing you and your beloved’s names as well as the date of your wedding. It’s being bundled with a second board on which to write messages of gratitude to your parents, as taking a moment to thank Mom and Dad is an important tradition at Japanese wedding receptions.

The marriage form is included with each copy of the October issue of Zexy (which, due to naming convention quirks of the publishing industry, is actually already on sale). The welcome and thank-you boards, meanwhile, are being offered to the winner of a quiz/lottery which can be entered by following Zexy’s official Twutter account and tweeting the names of the two characters that appear at the end of this trailer for the upcoming Pokémon Coco movie along with the hashtag #ゼクシィポケモンクイズ (meaning “Zexy Pokémon quiz”).

While only one winner will receive the boards, 10 people will also receive a set of two tickets to the movie, and odds are if you and your sweetheart want a Pikachu marriage registration form or reception welcome sign, you’re also the kind of couple that thinks going to see the new Pokémon anime movie sounds like a great date night plan.

Source: PR Times
Top image: Zexy
Insert images: PR Times
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Follow Casey on Twitter, where he’s still grateful to his wife for going along with his plan of having a chocolate wedding cake.

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