Tetris Gummies2

Before silly cat videos and online quizzes, there was Tetris, the ultimate way to put off whatever it is you should have been doing. Have a report due? Sorry, gotta beat this high score. Chores? Can’t stop now, can’t even look away, these bricks are flying! Familial obligations? Get out of here, kid! Can’t you see this is serious?!

Now Japan has combined our love of Tetris and little fruity gummies into one awesome snack. If they’re just as addicting as the game, we’re in trouble…

Tetris Gummies

The gummies were made to commemorate a new Sega game called “Puyo Puyo Tetris”, which combines the block stacking fun of Tetris with the adorable blobs of Puyo Puyo. Here’s a preview of the game:

The Puyo Puyo Tetris gummies come in six fruit flavors and an undetermined amount of tetris blocks and Puyo blobs. Many Japanese Twitter users seem dissatisfied with the small amount of Puyo blobs and have taken to the internet to showcase just how few there are.

Tetris Gummies4

Tetris Gummies3

Unfortunately, both Puyo Puyo Tetris and their signature gummies are only available in Japan. If you happen to be lucky enough to live in an area that sells Puyo Puyo Tetris gummies, you can enjoy playing a delicious tabletop game. Just don’t eat all the line gummies. You have no idea what a gift they are.

Source: togech
Images: Twitter (abef_linkMZKN002rock_n_roll_723Pains_moon2005)

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