The potato chip maker sends us a present to celebrate Pringle’s Day.

Walking in the door at SoraNews24 is always a bit of a role of the dice. You never know, for example, if there’s going to be a wrestling match taking place in the middle of the office floor, perhaps right next to someone building a cardboard toilet.

And so on Wednesday morning, our Japanese-language reporter Ahiru Neko took a deep breath and mentally braced himself as he showed up to start his shift. And sure enough, there was some weirdness waiting for him at his desk, though luckily not in the form of body slams or bodily waste.

Instead, there was a long wrapped package, almost as long as Ahiru Neko is tall. Wondering what could be inside, Ahiru Neko opened up the box and discovered…

a gigantic oversized Pringles can.

“Okay, so this must be some weird gag decoration, right?” Ahiru Neko thought to himself. Maybe it was the latest quirky product from offbeat book/gift shop Village Vanguard? But giving it a shake, he could feel something inside, so this wasn’t just an empty novelty container.

Wondering what was inside, he popped the top, looked inside, and found…

potato chips! Ordinarily there’s nothing shocking about finding Pringles inside a Pringles can, but when the can is this huge, it’s definitely a surprise.

▼ And yes, the chips go all the way to the bottom.

Eventually Ahiru Neko’s break time came around, and since the sun was shining, he decided to go for a walk and have a snack while he was outside, since he had such an ample supply of munchies.

▼ Ordinarily this might have gotten Ahiru Neko some strange looks from the officers in the police box on this corner, but the cops in this part of Tokyo seem to have gotten used to us by now.

So why did Pringles send us this giant can of chips? Well, it turns out that the Japanese division of the company has decided that November 11 is Pringles Day. We’re not sure how they came to that decision, or whether they stopped to consider that since November 11 is already Pocky and Pretz Day in Japan most people’s snack schedules are already pretty busy. Pringles has spoken, though, and so they made up a batch of giant Pringles cans that are 161 centimeters (63.4 inches) long, matching the height of Pringles Japan’s celebrity spokesperson, media personality Fuwa-chan.

However, despite Pringles’ claim that once you pop, you can’t stop, there was no way Ahiru Neko was going to be able to finish off the entire can by himself in one sitting. So once he’d chowed down on enough to fill himself up, he put the cap back on and headed back to the office to share the leftovers with the rest of the team.

Sharing the potato chip wealth turned out to be really easy, too, since he could offer chips to coworkers across the office without even getting out of his seat.

The giant Pringles cans were a limited-run for a giveaway promotion that’s already ended, but hopefully they’ll be offered for sale eventually, because in our opinion, you can never have too many chips.

Photos ©SoraNews24
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