The magical train ride tickets from the movie are available to purchase as well.

There are some things that are quintessentially Japanese, and a manicured garden with a water feature is one of them. Alas, for those of us without the space or money to spare, a Japanese garden might seem like a far-off pipe dream, but thanks to Studio Ghibli we can own one on a miniature scale.

Called Bonsai Water Garden, this four-part range was initially released in December 2022, but became so popular it sold out in days. Now, Spirited Away fans will be happy to know the Spirited Away Water Garden has been restocked, with No Face looking as quiet and contemplative as ever.

This particular garden setting looks beautiful from all angles, with No Face’s cupped hands releasing a constant flow of water into the shishiodoshi.

Once the water fills up the second bamboo tube, it plonks down and up again, making the familiar wooden thud that makes these water features so beautiful.

Joining No Face in the garden is Yubaba’s bird, and Yubaba’s baby, Boh, in their fly and mouse forms.

▼ Yubaba’s transformed bird, also known as Haedori

▼ Boh Mouse

The bonsai water garden comes with a saucer stand to contain any splashes, and can be used with batteries or USB power.



▼ This video shows the true beauty of the water gardens in action.

The desktop bonsai display is a lot cheaper than constructing an actual Japanese garden, but at 17,600 yen (US$113.18), it is on the pricier end of the Ghibli merchandise spectrum. Those wanting a more affordable way to add some Spirited Away magic to their lives can opt for the Unabara Electric Railway Ticket Memo, which is priced at 495 yen.

These little memo cards are designed to look like the train tickets used by characters in the movie when they travel along the watery railway. There’s a lot of beauty in the details on the “tickets”, which read as metaphors for life.

▼ のりきり (“norikiri” [“flat-fare”]) is a type of ticket that gives the user a single trip at a flat rate, regardless of the distance travelled on the railway.

The Unabara Railway (海原電鉄) runs between the stations of 滋養 (“jiyou” [“spiritual sustenance”]) and 絶佳 (“zekkei”  [“scenic”]), while the ticket is to be used by one person only (“一名様限り” [“ichimeisama kagiri”]).

While the front looks like a retro train ticket, the reverse side of has space for you to write a short note, with a choice of characters to accompany your memo.

With three strips of five memos in the pack, each strip is sold as “回数券’ (“kaisuuken” [“multiple tickets”]), just like sales of multiple tickets on a retro railway.


The tickets come beautifully packaged with an image of the train ride that inspired them, making the product seem even more like it’s come straight out of the anime world.

With Spirited Away being one of Studio Ghibli’s most popular, and lauded, movies of all time, related merchandise has a tendency to sell out quickly. So if you’d like to add these items to your collection, you’ll want to stop by a Donguri Kyowakoku store or shop online (water bonsai here and train tickets here), while they’re both still available.

Source: Donguri Kyowakoku
Top image: Donguri Kyowakoku
Insert images: Donguri Kyowakoku (1, 2)
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