Stylishly cute cats are ready to land on your feet this summer.

With the warm summer weather here, it’s time to let your feet breathe easy with open-toed footwear. However, not just any sandal will do if you’re both a head-to-toe fashion fan and a feline one to boot.

That brings us to Nara Getaya, which, just like the name says, is a geta (traditional Japanese sandal) maker based in the city of Nara, which was Japan’s capital even before Kyoto had that honor. While Nara Getaya has plenty of orthodox styles to choose from, it also offers the Nyara Geta line, and no, that’s not a typo — nya is how cats meow in Japanese, and the Nyara Geta are all cat-shaped!

▼ They’re even proportioned so that their tails peek out from behind your heels when you’re wearing them.

The complete collection consists of nine different designs, three of which (black cat, calico/tortoiseshell, and tabby) we looked at when Nyara Geta made their debut a while back. Since then, Nara Getaya has added stylish marbled black, brown, gray, and beige patterns, and this month marks the arrival of the two newest kitty sandals: hachiware (a term used to describe cats with coloring on their forehead that resembles the kanji character hachi/”eight,” 八) and Russian blue.

▼ Hachiware (left) and Russian blue (right)

▼ Tabby, calico, and black cat

▼ Marbled versions

Japan’s love of cuteness means that adults are well within the target market, but kids’ sizes are also available for every design except the tabby, and with wider straps to keep them from slipping off during extra-excited play.

▼ Adult (left) and kid size (right)

Nara Getaya boasts that the Nyara Geta are made of sturdy yet soft and shock-resistant material, with soft thongs to further keep your feet from tiring on long walks on lazy summer evenings, and they look like just the thing to pair with a playfully designed yukata summer kimono if you’re headed out to festival, or with swimwear or shorts if you’re spending the day at the beach. The entire lineup can be purchased here through Nara Getaya’s online shop, priced at 3,780 yen (US$35).

Sources: Nara Getaya, @Press
Images: @Press
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