You can make six at a time, but there might still be a line when all your fellow Poké-fan friends see what you’re cooking up.

The compact hot plates they sell in Japan are pretty slick kitchen appliances. They’re big enough to cook for more than one person, but also small enough to fit easily on a table, making them a great for turning a dinner with family or friends into a collaborative cooking party as you flat-grill strips of meats and chopped veggies.

What’s really cool is that a lot of hot plates, like the one picture below from manufacturer Bruno, come with a second plate that you can swap in that, instead of being flat, has a series of half-spherical divots, so that you can use your hot plate to make takoyaki octopus dumplings.

But what’s really, really cool is Bruno’s newest compact hot plate, which come with not only a flat grill and a takoyaki grill, but a Pokémon pancake grill too!

You get six different patterns to cook with, starting with, of course, Pikachu. Joining the franchise mascot are the original starter trio of Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle, plus Eevee and Snorlax, who’s getting some extra time in the spotlight these days because of his starring role in the Pokémon Sleep mobile game/wellness app.

The exterior design for the Pokémon Compact Hot Plate has a few special touches to differentiate it from Bruno’s other models too. The Pikachu-evocative yellow-and-black color scheme is the most obvious, but there are also Pokémon illustrations on the housing…

…and the Pokémon logo and a Poké Ball on the lid’s handle knob.

The hot plate is priced at 17,600 yen (US$120), and at 37.5 centimeters (14.8 inches) wide with a weight of 2.3 kilograms (5.1 pounds), it should be easy to transport to your friends’ houses when they insist you bring it over so you can cook together there too. It goes on sale October 12, and will be available through the Bruno online store here.

Source: PR Times
Top image: PR Times
Insert images: Bruno, PR Times
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