Nara deer

Video of man kicking, slapping deer in Nara Park outrages Japan【Video】

Defenseless deer attacked by man too lazy/violent to walk around them.

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Increased tourist numbers in Nara Park are affecting the size of its deer population

More people, more deer says Nara animal welfare organization.

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Nara considering increasing number of deer that can be killed each year, expanding culling zone

Nara’s deer are believed to be messengers of the gods, but they might be losing part of their protected status.

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Nara deer shikadamari mystery deepens as tourists return to Nara park

Baffling summer gathering phenomenon sees deer numbers dwindle to their lowest levels. 

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Japanese train goes viral for Nara deer decorations

Rub shoulders with Japan’s sacred deer on this very special mode of transport.

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Nara unveils new vending machines that sell deer crackers

If only the animals had coins to buy them.

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Bizarre “shikadamari” deer gathering at Nara Park baffles people in Japan

The animals behave differently this summer.

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Why isn’t there more deer poo in Nara Park? This very strange museum has the answer【Photos】

Deer aren’t the only animals with a huge population in the city.

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Nara deer stampede into marathon, hit runner in their path

It’s like they’d been training all year for this moment.

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Deer in Nara Park mysteriously disappear during this year’s shikadamari season

Free-roaming deer continue to baffle visitors and experts with their unusual behaviour.

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Deer killed by man with axe in Nara

Police say the man lost his temper when the animal hit his car. 

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Nara asks visitors to stop feeding the deer

Goodwill of strangers now threatens to do the deer more harm than good. 

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Nara deer “addicted” to rice crackers, lose weight with no tourists to feed them

The coronavirus is affecting the health of Japan’s deer population at Nara Park. 

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Deer in Nara Park outnumber visitors, display baffling summer gathering behaviour

Nara deer act mysteriously, even though there are fewer of them around than last year.

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Sakura cherry blossoms float on breeze, land on Nara deer in perfect hanami video

Heavenly hanami landscape plays out like a scene from a Ghibli anime film. 

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Nara deer leave park, head to station for food as tourist numbers tumble due to coronavirus

Videos show herds of deer galloping down streets and stopping traffic as they search for food. 

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Shikayose: The Calling of the Deer in Nara with acorns and a French horn

With thousands less tourists in Nara due to the Coronavirus, this year’s winter celebrations seem strangely more magical

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Shikadamari: The Nara deer summer gathering phenomenon that baffles visitors every year

Why do hundreds of deer sit together for an hour at this spot in Nara Park every evening in summer? Our reporter investigates. 

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Nara deer dies with four kilos of plastic in its stomach, tourists cautioned to feed animals properly

Increasing numbers of the nationally protected species are being affected by plastic bag consumption.

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During Golden Week rush, Nara deer so overwhelmed with rice crackers they wear them as hats

“The burden of my stomach is second only to the burden of my crown.”

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