Whether you sing Let it Go as a daily ritual, or just the thought of hearing that song one more time gives you brainfreeze, you can’t deny the pervasive popularity of Disney’s 2013 hit movie Frozen. Nowhere is this more apparent than in Japan, where Frozen can be found on everything from water bottles and chips to reasons for divorce.
For some people though, that’s not enough: they need to recreate Frozen with their own hands.
Don’t let your eyes deceive you; even though it looks like the real Olaf is out and about visiting Japan, it’s actually the creation of Japanese Twitter user Shunpei who recently posted photos showing the stunning Frozen snowman that he made out of real snow. You can see it for yourself right here:
▼ “Made Olaf – not too shabby.”
https://twitter.com/shunpei417/status/544070007458496512I wholeheartedly agree. Personally I consider myself lucky when I can just get a snowball to stick together, so I have much respect for the craftsmanship that went into this sculpture. Some of the fine details like Olaf’s pointed cheeks, buck teeth, and big circular eyes look more like they’re products of a scalpel and chisel than bulky, awkward gloves.
According to the comments on Shunpei’s post, the carrot for Olaf’s nose is the genuine article, and instead of using rocks or coal for the eyes and buttons, he opted for nori instead. Hmm, that’s actually not a bad idea….
▼ The Olaf Roll: nori, carrots, and… snow?
The only issue that this author can see arising is when it comes time for real-life Olaf to achieve his dream of enjoying the warmer weather. In our world that is sorely lacking in Elsa’s ice magic, it probably won’t go over too well for him. The bright lights being flashed on his face to get better pictures might not be helping much either.
▼ Guys I know I said some people are worth melting for, but… not like this!
Here is a picture of the duo who created the snow masterpiece. Coincidentally, it doesn’t take much imagination to see the two of them as the real-life, male, Japanese versions of Elsa and Anna.
▼ Come on, the one on the left is totally the older angsty one, and the one on the right is the happy-go-lucky redhead kid sister. Don’t you see it?
If you’ve found these pictures inspiring, and you’re lucky enough to have snow where you are, then go ahead and try your hand at creating your own Olaf. You don’t need a magical sister – just some passion, seaweed, and a couple of warm hugs.
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