Date Masamune

New samurai glasses are Japan’s latest weird must-have souvenir

See the world through the eye of Date Masamune, the One-eyed Dragon. 

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Preorders now open for Samurai Teddy Bears made by classic German toy maker Steiff

Super snazzy samurai armor-wearing teddy bears will be ready for your next Children’s Day display!

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Wear a Japanese warlord’s armor as a watch by supporting this crowdfunding campaign

Can they raise the funds to make this traditional masterpiece of an accessory?

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Samurai, ninja, and anime butlers join dinosaur staff at Tokyo’s “Weird Hotel”【Photos】

Say hello to the future of contact-free check-in.

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Miss World Japan: The great-times-20-granddaughter of samurai lord One-Eyed Dragon

Direct descendant of Date Masamune becomes first Japanese entrant to win talent portion with her beautiful opera vocals.

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Even samurai ran late! Newly discovered document shows one warrior’s excuse to his boss

We’ve all been there, waking up late after the alarm didn’t go off or just hitting the snooze button a few hundred times too many. Sometimes the excuses are legitimate and sometimes everyone knows you didn’t actually get food poisoning while rescuing a Girl Scout troop from a box of bad cookies. Still, calling in sick has a timed-honored tradition of hard (and lazy) workers for decades — and, in fact, for centuries!

A recently discovered document on display at the Tochigi Prefectural Museum reveals the reason why one daimyo (samurai warlord) was late to an important meeting with his boss, the famous Toyotomi Hideyoshi. We’re guessing “Sorry, boss, I have a sore throat!” probably didn’t cut it with one of Japan’s great unifiers…

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