Kirin Beer

End of the strong chu-hi boom? Kirin launches new low-alcohol canned cocktail line

Hanayoi hitting stores as Kirin’s rivals say they’re moving away from high-alcohol drinks too.

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Can you tell the difference between real beer and Japan’s happoshu quasi-beer?【Taste test】

Masks on and bottoms up for a blind taste test experiment.

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Japanese Twitter user shares ingenious idea of what to do when you get way too much snow【Pics】

“I’ve always hated snow, but looking at this I’m kind of jealous lol.”

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Kirin beer company toasts same-sex marriages for its employees

A step towards same-sex marriages being officially recognised throughout Japan?

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Risk Monster, a credit management outsourcing service that calculates bankruptcy risk, recently announced the results of its first survey asking, “Which Japanese Companies Do You Expect to Still Exist in 50 Years.” The survey was conducted over the Internet on Feb. 25 and 26, and received 1,000 valid responses from influential individuals between the ages of 20 and 69.

Coming in third was Honda, second place went to the East Japan Railway Company, and grabbing the top spot was…
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