Family Mart’s newest drink campaign shoots for the moon and promises a rainbow of dreamy starshine flavors.
Peach (Page 2)
You don’t need to be a little girl to enjoy these treats, but we’re sure it wouldn’t hurt!
Just because it’s called “peach” and looks peach, doesn’t mean it’s peach-flavored. And just because it’s “strawberry-flavored,” doesn’t mean it’s strawberry-flavored either…
One of the simple pleasures of summer is all the amazing sweet fruit in season, like watermelon, cherries, apricots, berries and peaches. Now Freshness Burger have come up with a way to combine one of your favourite summer fruits with the humble hamburger. The latest item on their special menu is a peach burger, which went on sale August 14. If you can’t decide whether you want something sweet or savoury to snack on, this burger should do the trick!
As I’m currently teaching at a high school, I already have plenty of teenagers trying to do things like change the due dates of their assignmentsmess in order to mess with my brain, thank you very much. The last thing I need is for my fruit to try to do the same…so imagine my frustration when I learned that there’s a place in Japan where you can buy strawberries pretending to be peaches (or is it the other way around!?)!