zodiac signs

Starbucks Japan releases cute new zodiac goods for Year of the Snake

Bears and snakes come together for a special collection at Starbuckssss…

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Bandai releases a retro item with zodiac signs in gachapon capsule toy form…but what is it?

This little device could almost always be found in cafés in Japan throughout the latter part of the Showa Period (1926-1989).

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Japanese police department publishes “driving horoscopes” to encourage road safety

Among the many superstitions that exist in Japan, fortune telling based on blood type still remains popular. Most profiles of anime and manga characters or celebrities include blood type, and it’s not uncommon for some Japanese to attempt to predict the behavior of others based what kind of blood is coursing through their veins.

But with only four personality types to choose from, that doesn’t leave very much room for variation. That may be one reason why over the years Japan has seen a boom in Western astrology, with many fashion magazines, books, and character items catering to those interested in finding out or showing off what their zodiac sign purportedly says about their personality. In fact, considering the recent release of driving horoscopes by one prefecture’s police department, it seems even government officials are now in on the craze.

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