Driving in Japan

Woman charged for driving suitcase without a license in Osaka

Charge is the first of its kind in Japan.

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Foreign street kart driver crashes into taxi after ignoring road sign in Tokyo

Go-kart tour accident reveals the dangers of driving on foreign roads.

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Complaints against foreign go-kart drivers increase in Tokyo

Police want to crack down on traffic incidents caused by visitors on go-karts.

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7 ways people in Japan deal with heavy snow, including the use of special ponds called “tane”

Locals teach us how to live comfortably in areas that experience heavy snowfall.

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Should you drive through a red traffic light like this in Japan? Confusing road rule explained

If you’re driving in Japan, don’t be caught out by seeing red and green signals together. 

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The Ferris wheel at this Japanese highway oasis is scarier than it looks

Some special parking areas in Japan have more thrills to offer than luxury high-tech toilets.  

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The reasons why Japanese highway rest stops have angled parking

Clever design is a literal lifesaver. 

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We test drive a Nissan GT-R Premium Edition T-spec in Japan

Join us as we drive a premium super sports car with a price tag of 19 million yen.

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Kobe man arrested after threatening driving school with 1,500 origami cranes

Reminds me of the time I was threatened with 99 luftballoons.

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Yakuza may be blocked from using all expressways in Japan within the decade

One of many modern conveniences evaporating on organized crime.

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Why are the roads so wide in Hokkaido? Simple question has a simple answer

Local resident reveals the real reason why their roads are wider than other parts of Japan.

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Amigara Fault for cars?! Tunnel in Okayama just barely big enough for vehicles to fit through

It was made for me… and my car.

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Only 30 percent of Japanese drivers stop for pedestrians at crosswalks, survey says

Although the results are an improvement on previous years, a worrying number of drivers aren’t stopping at pedestrian crossings.

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People wowed by Japanese road signs that change automatically in seconds 【Videos】

Traffic tech never looked so cool.

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Japanese car rentals including stickers that read: “A foreigner is driving”

What do you do when you’re branded, and you know you’re a pretty decent driver?

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Japanese police department publishes “driving horoscopes” to encourage road safety

Among the many superstitions that exist in Japan, fortune telling based on blood type still remains popular. Most profiles of anime and manga characters or celebrities include blood type, and it’s not uncommon for some Japanese to attempt to predict the behavior of others based what kind of blood is coursing through their veins.

But with only four personality types to choose from, that doesn’t leave very much room for variation. That may be one reason why over the years Japan has seen a boom in Western astrology, with many fashion magazines, books, and character items catering to those interested in finding out or showing off what their zodiac sign purportedly says about their personality. In fact, considering the recent release of driving horoscopes by one prefecture’s police department, it seems even government officials are now in on the craze.

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Live Out Your Fast and Furious Fantasy: Night Drive in Tokyo Video

It’s okay, you can admit it.  The second you finished watching The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, you wish and hoped and prayed that some day you would be able to live in Tokyo and be a badass street racer.  For most of us (all of us?) that is just a mere fantasy.  Short of hopping a plane, foolishly challenging the local Drift King, destroying a Nissan Silvia S-15, drift practicing your ass off, watching your friend die in a fiery car crash, and eventually beating the Drift King himself…what’s a daydreamer to do?

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