A new way to get a taste of Godiva, but is it worth the price tag?

Godiva has been making massive strides in Japan in recent years, releasing a series of unique products you won’t be able to find anywhere else in the world. The company’s latest release proves the company is continuing on this trajectory, because now, for the first time ever, you can purchase Godiva cakes in see-through cans.

Cakes in cans have become something of a thing in Japan since they first appeared on the local sweets scene in 2021. This new Godiva version goes by the name “Eat it With a Spoon Cake Can” and there are three to choose from, priced at 1,598 yen (US$10.16) each.

▼ Left to right: Strawberry Fromage, Caramel Poire, Chocolat Noisette

Other canned cakes on the market usually retail in the 500-600 yen range so these Godiva varieties are high-end luxury items, and when we came across them, we didn’t have enough in the bank to afford all three, so we came home with two of them.

Leaving the Caramel Poire, or “Caramel Pear” for next time, we arrived home with the Strawberry Fromage and the Chocolat Noisette.

Each cake has been carefully crafted, with a multi-layer structure that consists of a textured layer on top, followed by a sponge-in-cream layer, and then a cream layer on the bottom.

This is a rare case where the product looks better in real life than in the promotional photos for it. Each layer can be seen through the transparent can, and it made our taste buds salivate before we even opened it.

The cake looked so good we decided to overlook the fact that it says “Framboise Fromage” (“Raspberry Fromage”) on the front, despite it not containing any raspberries. It does go by the name “ストローベリーフロマージュ” (“Strawberry Fromage”) in Japanese, though, and that’s exactly what this can contains, with strawberry cheese cream in the base, topped with strawberries in strawberry sauce, a chocolate cream-covered chocolate sponge, strawberry sauce and chocolate, followed by a white chocolate crumble topping.

Ripping the lids off both cans, we dipped a spoon into the Chocolat Noisette (Chocolate Hazelnut) first, and pulled out as much of the layers as possible. This delivered the rich and delicious flavour of chocolate cream and praline cream to the taste buds, with a moist chocolate genoise sponge cake providing even more depth of flavour. It was a decadent Godiva dessert, but with 529 kilocalories packed into each canned cake, it’s a treat we won’t be able to indulge in every day.

The Strawberry Fromage was just as good, with the rich flavours lifted by berries, imparting a lighter finish to the delicious treat.

Though some might find the cakes expensive, a small box of Godiva chocolates can retail for 5,000 yen, so these cakes are a reasonably priced way to enjoy Godiva’s esteemed chocolate, without getting your hands sticky.

The canned cakes were released online on 16 May and at Godiva stores nationwide (excluding some locations; see participating store list below) on 23 May. With the chain giving us chocolate yokan, daifuku and even curry bread in the past, we can’t wait to see what Godiva has in store for us next!

Related: Godiva participating stores
Photos ©SoraNews24
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