Police press attacker to the pavement in take-down.
After using his martial art skills to survive a bear attack, Hiroto Miyagawa’s real nightmare has just begun.
Under the South Pacific sun on December 7, 1941, troops serving the US fleet at Pearl Harbor began a calm Sunday morning unaware that Japanese bombers were headed toward America’s most important Pacific base.
In an incredibly sad turn of events, a group of men who identify with those who oppose the presence of a U.S. base in Okinawa turned their anger towards a Japanese-American six-year-old girl late last month, allegedly shoving her to the ground and demanding to know, “Why are Americans in a place like this?”
As this attack could be qualified as a hate crime, you might be wondering why you haven’t heard more about this. Well, the reason could be just as shameful as the attack itself.
Police in Takasaki, Gunma Prefecture, are looking for a man who threw sulfuric acid at two women in separate attacks on Thursday night.
Being in the hospital for any period of time can be very dreary and lonesome. The bright lights and lack of color surrounding you can make the minutes to feel like hours, and there’s only so much you can do from your hospital bed before you start feeling a little stir-crazy. It’s enough to make you wonder if you’re destined to spend the rest of your days in that white, disinfectant-scented prison.
But a “get well soon” gift from a friend or relative always makes a hospital stay better. It shows that someone out there cares about your well-being and hopes you will be on your feet and home again in no time. Whether the gift is flowers or a teddy bear, anything will instantly improve your situation.
But how would you feel if you were gifted dog meat while laid up in hospital?
Not unlike the “911 attack cat” that’s been making waves across the States, it looks like a peacock at the Singapore Zoo has also gone into an unstoppable rage! Only this time, the battlefield happens to be a road, and the peacock in question has challenged a car to a duel. Maybe its wrath was triggered after seeing its own reflection in the car’s shiny exterior, or by the driver’s attempt to get it out of the way by beeping the horn…but regardless of what provoked it, this is one angry bird. Who do you think emerged victorious after the fight?
AKB48 general manager Shinobu Kayano wrote on her official blog early Tuesday that the idol group’s members Anna Iriyama (18) and Rina Kawaei (19) were released from the hospital. Kayano confirmed that the injured male part-time staff member is also at home recuperating from his injuries and that she is grateful for his bravery while protecting Iriyama and Kawaei from their attacker.
Netizens have been talking about a giant cat attack on helpless residents of one small town in Japan. The exact number of cats has yet to be confirmed, but eye-witnesses report seeing at least four felines stalking the premises. The photo above has been retweeted over 9,000 times in 15 hours and is accompanied by three additional chilling photos of the attempted takeover.
Have you ever watched a movie where a group of unbelievably attractive looking hackers broke into some government organization by constantly typing on their keyboard like they were typing an essay? Yet according to the display they were opening and closing executable files.
Sadly when alleged cyber-attacks occured during the South Ossetia War there were probably no fancy CGI effects showing neon blue wires interacting with each other while Scarlet Johansson with a poor Slavic accent convinces a Putin-looking Sean Penn to move all the nuclear data to a back-up server – constantly typing all the while.
No, the reality is probably just a bunch of sweaty Russians crowded around a blinking DOS prompt. That is, until now, as Japan’s National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) have developed a new cyber-attack alert system called Daedalus. And let me tell you, cyber warfare has never been sexier!