
Gorgeous matcha ajisai parfait ice cream bars appear just in time for hydrangea season

Beautiful seasonal flowers inspire Kyoto tea merchant to make beautiful seasonal sweets.

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Summer in Japan doesn’t feel like a Japanese summer this year, many are saying

Traditional natural signs of the season are missing.

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The case of Hyde’s stolen hydrangea in Wakayama City

On the bright side, he could probably write a song about this.

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188-year-old Kyoto tea merchant offers beautiful Hydrangea Parfait as nearby temple’s flowers bloom

As the summer rains and summer flowers return, so too does this special treat.

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Japanese Kyoto matcha sweets look gorgeous on Instagram, feel gorgeous on the tongue【Taste Test】

You have to go all the way to Kyoto to taste these decorative desserts, but a matcha medley this magnificent more than merits the trip!
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Japanese cafe’s gorgeous hydrangea sweets celebrate most beautiful flower of Japan’s rainy season

187-year-old Kyoto tea maker creates edible works of seasonal art.

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Kyoto temple grants love wishes to visitors who discover their heart-shaped hydrangeas

People in Japan are heading to the ancient temple to hunt for the flowery hearts.

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