Old-school design feature promises that happy days will come again and encourages community to share what it’s looking forward to.
society (Page 26)
Reduced number of new infections coincides with strengthened calls from government for people to stay home.
People were grateful for the assistance and expressed appreciation for the government’s role in easing coronavirus stress.
Sadly for certain tourist hotspots, stricter measures must be enacted to protect their residents.
Politician wants people to know which businesses in one high-risk industry are ignoring warnings during the state of emergency.
When your story is supposed to be set in present-day Japan, how long until it starts looking weird that no one is wearing a mask or staying home?
When your husband can’t go out to the izakaya during a pandemic, you bring the izakaya to him.
Megane, hitostuma, and muchi muchi all make the list.
Despite not being on lockdown, why has Japan been able to keep coronavirus infection and fatality numbers so low?
Life has stayed remarkably normal in Japan’s capital during the coronavirus outbreak, but that could be changing soon.
A decade of mental health improvement for almost everybody, but the “almost” part shows there’s still a lot of work to be done.
Our reporter worried she and her baby would be harassed on the trains, but what she experienced was quite unexpected.