claw game

Japanese arcade has special UFO catcher/crane games that guarantee you’ll win【Photos】

Victory is within your grasp!

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Sega of America taken to court in five million dollar lawsuit, accused of deceiving users

Arcade game Key Master is set so users can’t win until they’ve lost enough times.

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Sega creates mini UFO catcher crane game with electric arm for Japanese magazine

Bring the joy of a Japanese arcade game into your home and win ALL the prizes! 

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When life hands you a crappy UFO catcher prize, make a tricked-out crappy UFO catcher prize

Our writer’s giant, flashing piece of hard candy is a triumph of the human spirit.

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Japanese UFO catcher prizes just keep getting weirder…

“Oh shoot, I’m out of dish soap, let’s go to the game center.” If this sentence seems incongruous, you clearly have not spent enough time in Japanese game centers. Sure game centers have good old fashion arcade games, air hockey and photo booths, but a lot of the space is taken up by UFO catchers (adorably pronounced, oo-fo in Japan), aka claw/crane games.

Usually, UFO catchers are filled with cute toys or cool figurines, but sometimes things get a little too practical. Other times, the prizes are just a bit… off. Twitter users across Japan have shared their strange finds with us before, but they just keep coming and they keep getting weirder. 

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Lobsters offered as prizes for claw game all found dead, foul play suspected

A tragic scene unfolded at the Inter World game center in Iwatsuki, Saitama this week. The lobster claw game, in which players get a chance to catch a live lobster became a grizzly spectacle as every single crustacean was found dead.

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Hurl Obscenities at the Crane Game from the Comfort of Your Own Home! Online Remote UFO Catcher Opened

Crane games, claw machines, UFO catchers, whatever you want to call them can be found scattered all across East Asia taking in reams of cash with promises of prizes ranging from giant stuffed phallic mushrooms to game consoles.

Oh, how I look back fondly on lining up my plastic pincers precisely over a PSP only to have them go limp at the last minute. The nursing staff and I had many a chuckle as they stitched up my knuckles from punching repeatedly into the Plexiglas window.

Thanks to Netch and their remote web browser operated crane game, instead of getting charged with destruction of property I can get enraged in front of my own computer screen!

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