anime (Page 101)
The sakabato’s journey brings it to Japan’s eastern capital, just like the anime swordsman’s did.
With much of Japan’s population staying at home in order to stay safe, manga publishers want to help them stay happy and entertained too.
A suggestive suggestion to shower more frequently.
From Your Name to Mirai and Weathering With You, over a dozen anime star in this gorgeous 30-second commercial.
“They contain depictions of wide-eyed children, usually in school uniforms, engaged in explicit sexual activities and poses, and often being sexually abused.”
What’s behind the pika-poor showing for the face of the franchise, and also a disappointing finish for Eevee?
Interspecies Reviewers has been kicked off multiple networks in Japan, but now it’s found one that’s welcoming it with open arms. petition organizer says agricultural group has pledged their continued support to the anime schoolgirl idol.
Come for the heartwarming story of a famous artist actually getting time off to spend with family, stay for the weird Japanese linguistics lesson!
Japanese animation has long had a reputation for pushing the boundaries of what’s acceptable, but is it pushing too far these days?
Pikachu used…elbow drop?!?
Live-action adaptation of Japanese-produced animated movie has an extremely ambitious performance schedule.
The only thing better than catching ‘em all is giving one away to put a smile on a stranger’s face.