anime (Page 155)
Art and Pokémon stand the test of time; or, how to do a Pokémon remake properly without ditching characters.
Anime distributor valued at US$150 million.
It’s unavoidable at this point, all of our favorite and most popular anime series are destined to become live-action productions.
Should Makoto Shinkai’s anime have been about Top Gun Taki and Maverick Mitsuha?
Boyish da Vinci and van Gogh have special relationships with friends Michelangelo and Gauguin.
Side-by-side comparison points finger at pivotal moment in director Makoto Shinkai’s smash-hit anime film.
Sketches hand-drawn by director Makoto Shinkai show initial vision for anime film’s opening sequence.
The revolutionary girl is the latest anime icon to become the face of a cafe in one of Tokyo’s anime fandom hot spots.
Chairman singles out two aspects of Japanese traditional culture that people of other nations “wouldn’t understand.”
The Idolmaster compels otaku and gamers to get to Shinjuku Station at the crack of dawn for some cool free merch.
Makoto Shinkai’s anime juggernaut was chasing the Disney hit, but which film pulled in the bigger audience at theaters?
One of the bleakest depictions of Tokyo in all of film is part of Olympics celebration projection mapping project.
If you’ve never heard of Project 575 before… well, we can’t blame you. Despite existing for a few years now, the pair have never been considered “official” Vocaloids. Until now.
Surprise announcement comes at 20th anniversary celebration of pirate manga, as producer hopes to make “most expensive TV series ever produced.”
Tokyo tour visits locations from Makoto Shinkai’s hit, recreates the food the characters eat, and takes reservations in English.