Country’s last-remaining pager company announces it’s shutting down its service, but users still have a couple more months to say their good-byes.
society (Page 38)
It’s not fire, and it’s not food, but every Japanese person immediately understands the symbol that has the rest of the world scratching their heads.
Dialogue in new Nintendo Switch video game is just fine for little kids, but “a form of harassment” for older fans.
Towns in the rest of the country can’t compete with the lure of the biggest city in Japan.
Sure, it sounds nice, but critics say the deeper meaning behind his choice of words spells trouble ahead.
Unless you read all the way to the bottom, the poster might look like it’s sending the wrong message.
Single men in their 30s least likely to be fooling around, but it’s a very different story for the older guys.
Your company is paying for you to take a pleasure trip! Awesome! You’ll be spending all weekend with your boss and coworkers! Not so awesome.
Critics are calling the modern anime aesthetics “inappropriate,” but publisher says they’re missing the point.
These new train safety ads tell travelers that any friends who’d drop you for a late response aren’t friends at all.
It might sound like a match made in heaven (or at least a lovey-dovey romance anime), but two otaku don’t always make the right combination.