In the Japanese idol singer world, sometimes the difference between love and hate can be hard to see.
music (Page 20)
Being sweet and coy didn’t work when discussing a photo ban, so Eren tried the brutally direct approach instead.
The one and only “Keyboard Crusher” is back, and hopes Japan will buy his new gangsta rap album.
Once again, Japan comes out as the least offended when someone seemingly appropriates their culture.
Three-concert series welcomes some of the biggest names in the anime/idol music world to the city of angels.
The director of anime Your Name gives us a glimmering glimpse of the beauty of the Asian nation, and also civil engineering.
She has trouble standing and taking a bow after her performance, but her hands glide like the wind across the keys.
After a dozen years waiting, fans have a chance to see the Kingdom Hearts/Evangelion singer live, plus a way to boost their odds of getting tickets.
Time to look back at the fine history of Mega Man… except the Captain N stuff. Let’s all agree to forget about that.
The long-running duo are hoping to harness the power of the Information Age to solve a decades-old mystery.
The crazy big-budget commercial stars some of Japan’s most well-known musicians on flame-spewing monster floats.
Once again, our pseudo-interviewer Seiji harnesses the rising force of a guitar god to confront the premier party-rocker.
But there’s a comical silver lining that has heartbroken fans drying their eyes.
Many would say Yoshiki’s contributions to Japanese music culture are priceless, so in a way, you could say this is a bargain.
Harsh words from a strong supporter of letting love bloom between idols and anyone they want.