This Okinawan singer has a last name so rare, only 1 every 90,000 people in Japan have it!
One poster and the title is all you’re getting before How Do You Live? hits theaters, and producer Toshio Suzuki explains why.
We talk the future of Pokémon GO–including everything from opportunities for making friends to the GO Battle League.
We sit down with the environmentally conscious Gomihiroi Samurai to find out what they’re really about.
What’s the appeal of the more rural southwestern prefecture over a centralized urban lifestyle?
Ohtani’s pull is so huge that even his most outspoken fan in the U.S. finds fame in Japan.
We sit down for an interview with an industry pro and learn about “zamaa-style” manga too.
We interview the all-male J-Pop group Travis Japan in the midst of their trailblazing efforts in the U.S.
When you hear this term being used on trains, it’s often a euphemism for something more serious.