Cup Noodle

“The most Delicious Cup Noodle in history” – Japan’s French Cup Noodle wins our heart【Taste test】

Viva la Cup Noodle?

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Eating Japan’s Mystery Eel, mysteriously, both is and isn’t like eating real eel【Taste test】

Cup Noodle maker releases instant cup unagi…except it’s not really unagi.

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Cup Noodle maker now offering instant Mystery Eel meals

Nissin’s Mystery Unagi isn’t quite like its Mystery Meat, though.

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Cup Noodles Campfire S’mores puts a weird new twist on instant ramen

New limited-edition flavour billed as the “campiest” yet. 

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What happens to Cup Noodle Mystery Meat when you cook it in a rice cooker?

We try it to find out!

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Cup Noodles Everything Bagel surprises ramen lovers around the world

New limited-edition flavour puts a weird spin on breakfast.

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Cup Noodle Mystery Meat is now sold in boxes, so we do what any ramen lover would do with them

Join us as we come face-to-face with enough Mystery Meat to fill 47 Cup Noodles.

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Whole boxes of Mystery Meat going on sale in Japan, Cup Noodle fans rejoice

One box contains 47 Cup Noodles’ worth of Mystery Meat!

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Sriracha vending machines rising in Japan, our reporter tries it for first time (with Cup Noodle)

The hit hot sauce from overseas isn’t quite what he was expecting.

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Love Cup Noodle mystery meat pieces? New instant ramen is packed full of ’em

Nissin gives the people what they want, and it’s waaaaay more meat than even we expected.

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Does mixing all four Tokujo Cup Noodle flavors result in a hyper-luxurious flavor? We find out

It’s culinary madness in the SoraKitchen!

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Official microwaveable Cup Noodle-Use Measuring Cup is now a reality, could be yours if you act fast

After months of waiting, Nissin finally gives instant ramen fans what they’ve been asking for.

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We try the new Gaming Cup Noodle and Gaming Curry Rice from Nissin

Join us as we find out what caffeine-enhanced instant noodles and curry tastes like.

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Cup Noodle’s new versions are more expensive with higher-quality ingredients — are they worth it?

Cup Noodle ups the price and luxury of four of its most popular flavors for the Tokujo line.

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Nissin releases new Gaming Cup Noodle in Japan, with caffeine to keep you gaming all night long

Instant ramen company blends special ingredients to create the “strongest Buff Meshi” for gamers.

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Cup Noodle releases new Tomica “car” collection

Designed to replicate an open-top vehicle, complete with ingredients on board.

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Oh My Dot: Create your own noodles with the help of a robot chef in Tokyo

New soup noodle specialty store lets you customise your perfect cup of noodles.

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Cup Noodles Breakfast: a curse against instant ramen or the best thing since sliced bread?

Our Japanese taste tester gives us his verdict on America’s pancakes, sausage and egg flavour.

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Goodbye, Cup Noodle Shio! We try Nissin Cup Noodle’s revitalized new flavor, Negi Shio

Does it meet expectations? We find out!

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Clever Cup Noodle-only measuring cup becomes instant ramen lovers’ new most-wanted kitchenware

Come on, Nissin, we need this.

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