
Woman charged for driving suitcase without a license in Osaka

Charge is the first of its kind in Japan.

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New Shinkansen luggage rules start today, set to make travel more expensive and less convenient

Get out your tape measure, because you might need a more expensive seat and special reservation, or cash to pay an extra charge.

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Shinkansen will require reservations for large suitcases, charge penalty fees for those without

Japan Railway boss says passengers “will be happy” about the new regulations.

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Travel through Japan with no suitcase? That’s the goal of new item-sharing travel service Locarry

Tokyo-based company has a clever solution to one of the most common problems visitors face when traveling in Japan.

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Comparison video shot at Brazilian airport shows huge customer service gap.

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Muji’s new expandable suitcase is perfect for Japan-based expats and overseas Japanophiles【Video】

Taking different amounts of stuff on your two flights across the Pacific? Mujirushi Ryohin is here to help.

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System is quick and easy to use, requires no payment or registration.

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Hands-free holidaying: Robotic suitcases that follow you around unveiled【Video】

The world of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld, or maybe Pixar’s Wall-e, comes a step closer with the demonstration of suitcases with a mind of their own.

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Shinkansen travel tip: A clever way to keep your suitcase from rolling around on the bullet train

Quick and clever maneuver eliminates one of the few hassles about high-speed rail travel in Japan.

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Luggage service lets travelers drop bags at cafes and shops in Japan via English-language website

Boasts a number of advantages over taking your chances with coin lockers at the train station.

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Take a trip in the name of the moon with Sailor Moon travel cases, bags and passport wallets

Now you can enjoy a vacation in cool anime style with Sailor Moon travel accessories in six character designs.

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Rolling suitcase with built-in desk is perfect for mobile businesspeople and cosplayers alike

Modern technology makes it easier than ever for people to work anywhere, not just in a traditional office setting. But every telecommuter or creative type knows the frustration of grabbing your laptop and any other necessary items, then carrying them to your local cafe, anxious to punch in and get some projects done, only to discover there’re no available seats.

Sure you might not need a whole office, but not even having a small desk to work on can really hurt your productivity. Here with a solution is ambitious and creative design house Bibi Lab, which is now selling a wheeled suitcase with an attached desk and chair that’s not only great for mobile professionals, but for artists, cosplayers, and all sorts of other people on the go.

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