Premium Bandai offers an easy way to lend your bedroom some ’90s shojo sparkle – just display their new mid-transformation figurine of Usagi Tsukino!

We’re big fans of school-uniform clad super soldier Sailor Moon here at SoraNews24. Even 26 years after the anime’s premiere, fans like us still get excited over guides for bento and new  merchandise, like the gorgeous fountain pen that looks just like Usagi’s transformation pen from the show.

The fountain pen has come and gone from shelves already, but Premium Bandai won’t leave us bereft for long. They have a new gorgeous figure on the way, and they’re already taking pre-orders.

Remember Usagi’s transformation scene, where she’s surrounded by a billion glitzy light ribbons? It’s rightfully one of the most iconic scenes of a beloved series. Check out the video below if you need a refresher.

▼ Moon…Crystal…Power…Make Up!

Bandai’s Zero Figuarts Chouette line of figurines is committed to take precious scenes like that one, ones that stand the test of time and still warm the hearts of fans, and turn them into tangible objects. Then you can buy those tangible objects and brighten your living spaces with them.

Bandai has released one of these gorgeous figures each year since the line started in 2016. This year’s edition takes that breathtaking sequence of pink ribbons and captures it in a variety of dreamy-colored polymer plastics.

The hair and ribbons are sculpted and painted to include gradients to full transparency, which makes them look airy and delicate without compromising the structure. The ribbons entwine around her legs and arms, shifting through a pretty gradient of pink and blue.

The figure also comes with pretty, pearly star charms which can be attached to or removed from the figure according to your preference.

The Sailor Moon – Moon Crystal Power, Make Up! figure comes with a wide stand to keep her balanced, and stands about 25 centimeters (9.8 inches) tall with the stand.

She’ll make a perfect centrepiece for any budding Sailor Moon shrines out there.

▼ All suited up and ready to fight evil by moonlight

▼ She might win some love by daylight, too

Be prepared to spend 8,640 yen (USD$79) to keep the magic of the Moon Crystal in your own home. This figure is available for pre-order here on Premium Bandai’s website. Make sure to place your order ahead of time – the figures ship in September!

Source: Premium Bandai via Nijimen
Images: Premium Bandai