Short anime adaptation titled Twilight Wings will focus on the Galar region introduced in Pokémon Sword and Shield.
anime (Page 103)
Disgruntled 34-year-old woman says she wished the staff had died and Kyoto Animation workers lived.
Do you know the name of the Pokémon anime’s main character? Congratulations! Here’s a thousand dollars!
Sure, we suppose you could make money by treating your Pocket Monsters like this, but it’d make you the real monster.
Production committee for Fragtime, studio’s most recent anime that’s playing in theaters right now, say their repeated attempts to communicate have yielded no response.
Tear-jerking reports from multiple artists as studio, which produced a theatrical anime this year, erases its online presence.
Moomin fans will love this big, beautiful plush — and thanks to the Moomin series’ 75th anniversary, he could be yours!
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Bringing one of Hayao Miyazaki’s most legendary anime films to life is a tall order, but they just might have pulled it off.
Too busy for a sit-down meal at the Pokémon Cafe? Let Pikachu help you quickly satisfy your cravings for the sweetest meal of the day!
President of Gainax, production company that made Evangelion TV series, allegedly told her “It’s practice for when you become famous.”
Fan has a theory as to why everything goes dark for losing Trainers even though they never get hurt, and it’s pretty convincing.
Three young women fight off the winter cold with the warmth of friendship and delicious Gurakoro (yes, that’s something McDonald’s sells in Japan).
Don’t miss this chance to enjoy a hit anime film by one of Japan’s most critically acclaimed directors with all of your bodily senses.
Pokéfuta spread to the northernmost region of Japan with adorable appearances by Vulpix, Ninetails, and many more Pokémon!