manga (Page 47)
Cancellation of yuri event comes mere days before scheduled opening in one of Tokyo’s major anime fan neighborhoods.
Tokyo court orders manga artist to pay startlingly small fine for possession of nude depictions of girls no older than 15.
There’s even a life-sized figurine of the star waiting to greet you in a push-up bra.
Three major bookstore chains in Japan stop selling CoroCoro Comic after an image defacing the ancient ruler was published.
The Tokyo-area’s much-maligned international air hub is giving us a new reason to actually enjoy going there.
The trailer finally gives us a glimpse of the supporting cast as well as that famous nurse’s office kiss scene.
Organization stresses the importance of keeping artists and publishers in the emotional loop between creators and fans.
Clever superfan shows how you too can easily replicate the most famous scene from the most famous magical girl anime.
Unique notebooks promise to motivate and/or distract you during tough study sessions and boring business meetings.
Kero-chan Caramel Milk and sakura-flavored cotton candy from Kyoto are among the anime-themed treats on offer.