
High school girl arrested for stalking Johnny’s 7 MEN Samurai member

Luckily no one was harmed in the tense encounter.

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Stalker uncovered after committing hit and run while driving victim’s car

Suspect becomes victim in a bizarre twist of fate.

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Hyogo man arrested for stalking woman through her bank account

Suspect made dozens of one-yen transfers in two weeks.

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Man arrested in Kobe after stuffing fried chicken into woman’s mailbox

Not the best way to tell your ex how you feel.

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21-year-old Nara woman arrested for sending hundreds of nude selfies to woman in her 70s

“I still like her,” suspect tells police.

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Japanese woman arrested for cyberstalking elderly man twice her age

Senior citizen says he received dozens of date requests from woman he’s never met or spoken to.

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A warning to think twice before taking photos of a crab dinner lying in a Japanese subway station

That discarded meal might not be what it seems.

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Obsessed stalker tries to mark object of his affection by mixing body fluids into her lotion

As far as nightmare scenarios go, this is probably number one.

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Japanese women reveal how far they’ve gone in “stalking” a guy they like in survey

Tactics included checking out ex-girlfriends online and setting “coincidence” ambushes.

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Mie man arrested for collecting photos he took of female coworker while at work

Charges cause many to wonder where the line between stalking and a secret crush lies.

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Report finds a dramatic increase in Japanese men taking up stalking in their golden years

As Japan’s senior citizen population continues to steadily grow, changes in society occur regularly. We’ve seen inspiring tales of the elderly getting into modeling, mastering the latest technology, and forming idol groups. On the other hand we’ve also seen complaints of rampant spitting and pushing by Japan’s silver citizens.

And then we have a troubling trend which was discovered by the National Police Agency (NPA) which say that incidents of stalking perpetrated by people over 60 have increased 3.8 times in the past ten years.

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Having already been deliberated by the upper house, an amendment to Japan’s anti-stalking law was passed by the lower house during the current Diet session on the afternoon of the 26th. The revised law adds repeated emails to the list of behaviors deemed harassing that was originally laid out in 2000, and also includes repeated calling, faxing and lying in wait. Lawmakers submitted the bill in response to an actual stalking incident that resulted in the victim’s death.

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