
Japanese hand-dug tunnels on a bamboo forest trail are like a quest in a video game

Complete with advice from a local side character, this off-the-beaten path adventure is wild and frightening at the same time. 

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Daihatsu dealership takes down controversial tweet boasting that they like trees

I think that I shall never see a tweet as backhanded about a tree.

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The All Japan Club Association hopes wooden club makes long-awaited comeback

Clubs aren’t just for cavemen and goblins anymore!

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Booze made from wood coming soon in Japan

I think that I shall never drink a double as lovely as a tree.

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Japan’s postal service: So great it’ll even deliver a single leaf to your home

Handled with care and delivered in perfect condition.

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Sacred forbidden forest at a Japanese shrine has been off-limits to visitors for centuries

We get to enter a holy land that’s been protected since ancient times, and it reminds us of the world of Princess Mononoke.

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Become a bear and ‘hibernate’ in the woods with this private hammock tent

Who says hammocks have to be restricted to summer time fun?

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Japan has a “Totoro Tree” that looks just like the Studio Ghibli anime star【Photos】

Kosugi no Osugi isn’t just cute, it’s sacred too.

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Sacred 1,200-year-old tree toppled by severe storm at shrine in central Japan【Photos】

Shinmei Shrine’s sacred cedar saved the community twice, according to local legends.

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Twitter shocked by photo seeming to show rose growing INSIDE tree in Japan (and the gross truth)

No, fairy magic is not the reason for this stunning phenomenon.

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Tree swallows sign in Japan, proves nature is hungry by continuing to eat it for 12 years

Photos of other hungry forest trees are now beginning to surface online.

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Arashiyama bamboo forest in Kyoto “crying” as tourists vandalise trees

Kyoto has a heartbreaking message for visitors who carve graffiti on trees in the famous grove.

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Heartwarming video tells the story of a blind man and his armless friend who planted a forest

These two men in China show us that no obstacle is a match for the bond of friendship.

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Radiation fears as report shows Fukushima fir trees to be growing strangely

Following the events of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami and the subsequent meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant complex, radiologists in Japan have been closely observing the area for potential changes. A new report by the National Institute of Radiological Sciences now suggests that the fir trees in Fukushima may be exhibiting strange growth patterns, with the radiation from the disaster being named as a possible factor.

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