
Japanese company uses “crow language” to keep them away from garbage 【Video】

Crow scare crow.

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How do you say ‘Google it, you trash’ in British English? Answer surprises many in Japan

People in Kyoto and England have more in common than previously thought. 

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Confessions of a 46-year-old Japanese male pole dancer

Mr. Sato shares how pole dancing changed his life and could change yours.

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12/21 is Japan’s “Long Distance Lovers Day”: What makes it so hard to keep up long distance love?

Long distance romance can work with a bit of effort, but just what form does that effort take?

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Swiss-raised Japanese woman points out fundamental difference in Japanese, western communication

What’s obvious for some is far less so for others, and can lead to frustration when the listener doesn’t get the speaker’s message.

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“INUPATHY” collar tells you what your dog is thinking via colors and phone messages【Video】

Because sometimes it can be really ruff understanding all those “barks” and “woofs.”

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Microsoft to launch real-time translation through Skype

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says the company plans to launch a real-time translation tool for Skype before the end of this year.

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In Japan, goukon, are mixers meant to set the stage for finding a mate.  They are designed to help young adults find at least a relationship, if not a suitable marriage partner, and are often organized by businesses like in the ad above.

The average goukon brings together around three to five people of each gender and takes place at a restaurant or izakaya (Japanese-style bar). Groups are seated randomly, usually with seats alternating by gender so everyone can get to know each other better.

Business organizational skills aside, most women know that the chance of a relationship forming from a goukon depends on the efforts of the participants.  A certain protocol must be followed if a man wants a woman to give him the time of day.  If he is too out-of-place, then it could cause embarrassment all around.

Japanese website Otome Sugoren surveyed their female readers to find out what kind of guy they think shouldn’t even bother showing up to the goukon party.  Men: be sure to pay attention so you know what not to do at your next goukon.  After all, while you may be there to play the field, women are serious about finding someone!   Read More