
A closer look at the knockoff Totoro figure that will haunt my nightmares…and maybe yours too!

If this is the spirit that lives in my local forest, then I’m staying out of it.

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Tasting Korea’s sweet that looks like a copy of a remix of a copy of a Japanese sweet but isn’t

The case of Toppo vs. Nude Pepero and Pepero vs. Pocky.

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Taste testing popular Korean and Japanese snacks that look similar: Pocky vs. Pepero

Which came first–the Pocky or the Pepero?

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Hey, online knockoff seller, is this a Puma tracksuit, or something else?【Photos】

We ask, and sort of get answers to, the questions this “super cool” tracksuit begs.

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Our reporter’s faith in the Google gods is shaken by a dubious online purchase of a luxury watch

Is Google a god, or is it just as fallible as man?

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U.S. government officials catch 86,400 Pokémon bootlegs without using a single Poké Ball

Because when you gotta catch ’em all, you ‘gotta catch the knockoffs too.

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Chinese knockoff of Splatoon to be released with “original” content, no one takes it seriously

After getting shut down once, you’d have thought the developers might have learned a lesson or two.

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Chinese bootleg invites us to learn about the wonderful world of anime legend…Guzuo Miyazaki?!?

That’s the familiar Studio Ghibli anime legend on the cover, but with a very unfamiliar name.

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Korean authorities seize 530,000 fake Pokémon plushies, show off portion in video【Video】

Pokémon are meant to be caught, after all.

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FAILure to launch! Chinese apparel company, Uncle Martian, faces huge hurdles over its “new” logo

These days, the “sincerest form of flattery” is bound to land you in legal hot water.

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