If you’d like more coffee and fewer traffic accidents in your life, this safe driving app is for you.
Posted by Casey Baseel (Page 408)
Or you could just wear it while you’re chilling on the couch and binge-watching the anime classic.
It turns out a lot of different people are involved in the response team when a train hits a person in Japan.
Our Japanese-language writer used to give himself a pass, until he encountered a woman who changed his mind.
Mental reassurance has never looked cuter.
In what’s become an annual event, bookseller Junkudo is letting lucky lovers of literature spend one night slumbering among its shelves.
A decade after its release, the Nintendo classic shows one way it’s way better than real tennis.
Does this make the appliance debris or an evacuee?
Suggestively spicy series stars swimsuit models, dancers, and anime voice actress.
Yeah, it’s a bummer that you can’t see your Pokémon Trainer’s cool clothes, but there’s an upside to keeping your avatar out of the on-screen action.
Cardigans may not match armor plating in protective capabilities, but they’re definitely the warmer, cuter option.
While perseverance is a trait to be admired, there comes a point where “Suck it up, buttercup” is just terrible career advice.
We’re not sure we’d call Pokémon GO “broken,” but here’s a list of things we’d like to see addressed anyway.
The annual hit to the family’s finances has certain households dreading the start of each new school year.