The Coffeeade Cool Lime offers a unique type of caffeine refreshment.

Last summer, Starbucks Reserve Roastery Tokyo began selling a new type of drink called Coffeeade. Available in three varieties — Lime, Lemon Tonic, and Strawberry Breeze, the drinks were described as “clear iced coffees“, due to the fact that they contained coffee, but were surprisingly clear.

The Coffeeade concept was so well-received by the public that it’s now returning for a limited time this summer, but this time the Coffeeade Cool Lime will be available at all Starbucks branches around Japan.

According to Starbucks, a “special method” is used to extract the coffee flavour for these drinks, and this secret manufacturing method was reviewed and updated so that customers all over the country can now get a taste of it.

Starbucks describes the Coffeeade Cool Lime as an innovative beverage that offers a new coffee experience through its clear body. The coffee notes are said to be present in the aftertaste, with the lime juice providing a fruity coolness that will help to “refresh your midsummer body”.

▼ The drink includes a slice of freeze-dried lime for an extra fruity kick.

While the Coffeeade Cool Lime will now be on the menu at Starbucks locations nationwide, there will be two new Coffeeades exclusive to the Roastery.

▼ The Coffeeade Orange Delight (priced from 1,031 yen [US$7.24])…

▼ …and the Coffeeade Lime Mint (from 1,080 yen).

All three drinks will be available from 28 June to 31 August, with the Coffeeade Cool Lime sold in Short through to Venti sizes, priced from 501-640 yen.

If you prefer matcha to coffee, though, the chain’s new permanent menu item, the iced Matcha Tea Latte, will definitely wet your whistle!

Source, images: Starbucks Japan press release
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