Queen, pawn, rook… They’re all here and totally yoked. Read More
Kamehamehas of cuteness from a guy who’s actually more muscular than the Dragon Ball hero he’s cosplaying as.
Renewed passion for bodybuilding leads to competition-spec body and new love.
Reika Saiki is here to evolve traditional kawaii cuteness into a new form: mukikawa.
People in Japan are swooning after discovering the many talents of this foreign-born gardener who gave up his original nationality to become Japanese.
Hardcore cosplayers make their own costumes, and for Reika Saiki, that includes building her body to get Chun-Li’s thighs.
Instead he’s been tweeted all over the world for his (partially) convincing transformation into a pretty girl.
Model Saya Kagawa takes the women’s crown, distracts everyone from a bunch of ripped dudes flexing in the background.