
Japan is ranked the worst country in the world for helping strangers

Japanese kindness leaves a lot to be desired in World Giving Index, but there may be a reason for it.

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That time a stranger gave us money on a Japanese train

We’re still not quite sure why it happened. 

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Japanese shrine creates special water fountain for thirsty bees

Sweet act of kindness melts everyone’s hearts.

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Akihabara store praised for “God-like” customer service

A store that trusts customers so much they literally leave money out for them.

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These policemen’s response to a young boy turning in a 50 yen coin he found will warm your heart

Their kindness really impressed the boy’s mother!

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Passenger moved by bus driver’s kindness writes letter to company and gets a heartfelt reply

Compassion and understanding really do make the world go round.

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The kindness of strangers lives on Japanese trains at the start of 2017


Living up to the very definition of “gentle men”.
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Little Japanese girl learns the true value of saying “thank you” to a kind stranger

Some things you learn when you’re young never leave you, and this is probably one of them.

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Online seller sends special surprise to Kumamoto earthquake survivor

In dire times, it turns out you can depend on the kindness of strangers.

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Compassionate supermarket manager offers shoplifter a job instead of pressing charges

Instead of resorting to punishment, this supermarket manager tries to solve the root of the problem in this heartwarming tale of second chances.

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Japanese restaurant lets generous customers pay for extra meals, needy customers eat for free

Celebrate the season of giving (and receiving!) all year round.

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Japanese man helps lost Taiwanese tourists, thanks them instead, warms the hearts of netizens

Many of us may have experienced getting lost in a foreign land and needing assistance from a local person. In most cases, we thank the kind soul who lent us a helping hand, but have you ever received thanks from the person who helped you instead?

A Taiwanese tourist recently shared that during his visit to Osaka, he sought help from a Japanese man, who not only spent over 30 minutes making sure the foreign visitors made it safely to their destination, he even thanked the tourists for their help instead. Find out why after the break!

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10 incredible tales of kindness on Japanese trains, as told by foreigners

We recently regaled you with Truly Terrifying Japanese Train Stories told to us by foreigners, which included everything from runaway trains to perverts and nuns. Today, we’re going to relate to you foreigners’ stories of unbelievable acts of kindness they’ve experienced on Japan’s trains.

You’ve probably already heard a few stories of Japanese people doing good deeds, like lost property being returned or someone helping out the hapless foreigner who doesn’t speak the language. But Japan’s special brand of kindness goes much deeper than this. You know, things that when you see them they make you think, “Wow, that would never happen in my country!”

Join us for some miso soup for the soul: stories of extreme kindness on Japanese trains, after the jump. Read More