Shibuya Halloween
Shibuya Ward administration continues to try to distance the neighborhood from its Halloween party place image.
Shibuya looks to expand its Halloween drinking ban while another neighborhood wants to add one of its own.
The vibe around Shibuya is tense right now, as the city attempts to abolish “the craziest Halloween in the world”.
Scenes from the weekend show not everyone was interested in staying away from hotspots like Shibuya and Osaka during Halloween.
Authorities confirm the opening ceremony and live Kyary Pamyu Pamyu concert is delayed, but you can still enjoy lots of online entertainment.
Someone doesn’t think blasting EDM in the streets is a good pon pon wei to celebrate Halloween.
The anti-cosplay cosplay event that’s low-key stealing the show in Shibuya every Halloween.
Foreigner threatens to punch a Minion while Donald Trump picks his nose amongst anime characters on Shibuya’s rowdiest night of the year.
Escalating vandalism prompts four-night drinking ban in area that includes world-famous Shibuya Scramble intersection.
Truck-tipping vandalism a major part of tipping-point decision in ordinarily pro-alcohol Japan.