Magical adventure road movie looks to a continuation of the story of the world of Your Name and Weathering with You.
Weathering with You
One of Japan’s leading art directors leads the way in raising funds for an issue that’s close to his heart.
Director of Your Name, Weathering with You’s latest project is a supernatural road movie action adventure.
If you’ve wanted to race around the streets of your home town on a pink-and-white scooter like Natsumi, now’s your chance!
If you ever needed proof that the director of Your Name is a visual perfectionist, this is it.
Long-awaited collection of background art includes official merchandise for use in both the real and virtual worlds.
From Your Name to Mirai and Weathering With You, over a dozen anime star in this gorgeous 30-second commercial.
Your Name director Makoto Shinkai’s latest movie takes on gorgeous edible form in Tokyo and Osaka.
Makoto Shinkai’s Your Name follow-up is only the second Japanese animated film ever to get the nod.
We’ve visited the real-world location for the pivotal scene in the anime event of the summer, but it’s about to disappear forever.
Arguably the Shinkai-est anime yet, and perhaps the beginning of a connected Makoto Shinkai cinematic universe?
The most successful anime romance movie of all time ties together real-life couples, even if the path to true love isn’t always a direct one.
Shirts will be in stores just before the opening of Shinkai’s newest anime movie, Weathering with You.
The rain falls up as the director of Your Name and J-rock band Radwimps are back with a gorgeous look at Tokyo in both a storm and magical sunlight.
Director Makoto Shinkai shares a sneak peak at his upcoming anime movie, and it looks as beautiful as you’d expect.