
Nintendo made an interactive alarm clock, and it’s awesome in so many ways【Video】

Motion-sensing Alarmo wants to make you feel like you’re waking up in the game worlds of Super Mario, Legend of Zelda, and more.

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Tea Master Anywhere service offers tea ceremony matcha meditation session anywhere in Japan

No matter where you are, you’re in the right place for chazen, Kyoto tea seller says.

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Japanese study finds link between taking frequent baths and happiness, may not tell whole story

Which came first, the frequent soaks or the day-to-day happiness?

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Japanese foundation tests mobile meditation truck in Osaka city with promising results

Don’t worry, the zen will come to you.

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Miyagi hot spring inn offering free sleep analysis as part of relaxing, health-focused stay

Three Japanese companies are working together to help show the importance of a good night’s sleep. Read More

Pokémon Sleep gameplay finally revealed in video, pre-registration opens【Video】

Game tells you which Pokémon you sleep like, and the better you snooze, the more Pokémon friends you make.

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“Keep your butthole pointed straight down” — Posture tips as Japan starts the new business year

Don’t let your new job make your body feel old and creaky.

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Gwyneth Paltrow visits Japan, dines on sushi and soba as Goop beauty brand debuts in Tokyo

New Goop pop-up shop and cafe opens in Tokyo for a limited time.

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New Tokyo meditation studio will teach you to “be in the moment” in relaxing 30-minute sessions

We checked out downtown Tokyo’s newest mental oasis, and came away feeling better about our “lightly cloudy” selves.

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Recent study once again ranks Japan as the country that sleeps the least

Japanese men and women seem to sleep as much as one hour less than people from other countries.

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Can reliving the womb experience help develop a healthy body and happy mind?

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Wearable futon: Excuse to keep workers in office all night, or smart disaster preparedness?

At my first job in Japan, there was no janitorial staff, so we all had to pitch in with cleaning the office. One day, I punched in, grabbed the vacuum, and started doing the floors. Everything was going fine until I got to the back room, where I opened the door to find my coworker lying flat on her back, fast asleep on the floor.

I’m not sure if she’d shown up incredibly early and tired herself out, or just never made it home the night before, but it turns out sleeping at the office in Japan isn’t quite as unusual as you’d think (or hope). Thankfully, if you do get stuck, at least you can be still be warm and cozy, thanks to this crazy wearable futon.

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New Japanese energy drink designed to help samurai, salarymen accomplish mighty deeds

As part of a society where industriousness is prized above just about anything else, many people in Japan feel like they could use a boost in the middle of the day. Austrian Red Bull and American Monster have booth made headways into the Japanese market, but this month sees a new entry to the energy drink battleground with the indigenous Samuride, which promises to invigorate you with ingredients used by Japan’s famed warriors.

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