Parliament without everyone fighting like cats and dogs and otters and bears and beavers and…
Kids in Hikari are raised under Boob Childrearing concepts.
Chiitan’s management claim a city rep in charge of happiness told them “permission wasn’t needed.”
That adorable otter just took one too many blows to the head for the liking of city residents and officials.
Tonko House will take responsibility for bringing Kumamon’s exploits overseas in a future animation project.
Mascot character who debuted in December aims to bring smiles to faces and eyes to her underwear.
Japan’s Coast Guard has been around for 70 years, and mascot Umimaru for 20 – so it’s high time for a Hello Kitty teamup!
The unofficial ambassador for Shibuya and Harajuku makes sure to keep the statue of famously loyal dog Hachiko clean.