You might think a scrub brush would be a terrible thing to rest your sleepy head on, but think again.
Posted by Master Blaster (Page 102)
They say you should spend at least three months’ salary when selecting an engagement meteorite, but this guy seems to have gone overboard.
Senior police official quoted as saying, “I have never heard of this behavior, but it’s sick.”
Sompo Japan’s groundbreaking policy covers doxxing, negative memes, and other forms of flaming, but trolls need not apply.
Body discovered several days after man passed away.
Bringing the over-the-top soccer moves of Captain Tsubasa to a live stage seems like a crazy idea, but it’s the kind of crazy Ebina has built a career on.
Although technically neither a “rainbow” nor “fire,” catching a glimpse of this phenomenon has put a spring in everyone’s step.
Finally, men can dress conservatively and not gross everyone out with their high-beams on.
Serendipity has given RocketNews24 an inside look at the controversial religion currently making headlines: Happy Science.
Having trouble looking for the perfect romantic partner? Maybe that’s your problem…the “looking” part I mean.
It’s unclear if this rogue group of city workers were fully aware of the acronym they made for themselves or not.
To celebrate Manga Day in Japan, RocketNews24’s best artist has some tips to help add some flare to an average Joe’s drawing.
Our reporter tried to uncover the truth behind “AKB48 Non Yuu” and their mysterious phone number.