The “Bazooka” of the Hanshin Tigers swaps baseballs for paper aircrafts in a record-challenge attempt.
Guinness Word Record
The pair took the Guinness World Record from another pair of twins, who were also Japanese.
The world’s oldest video game streamer, Hamako Mori, has played titles like Call of Duty and Dauntless for decades — and shows no signs of stopping.
This ultimate box of Japan’s highest quality wagyu beef is celebrating by opening up orders once again.
Everyone loves strawberries, right? Not only are they pretty hard to beat on the deliciousness scale, but they have the ability to ward off allergy symptoms and can even occasionally taste like peaches. Not bad for a little red fruit–or big red fruit if we’re talking about the Guinness World Record-breaking strawberry recently harvested in Fukuoka.
Who hasn’t had a daydream about being the best in the world at something? Unfortunately, most of us have already missed our chance to set the Guinness World Record for youngest professional drummer, yet are still a couple decades away for breaking the mark for oldest competing gymnast.
Thankfully, there are accomplishments that aren’t age sensitive, such as the world record for longest relay of people feeding each other, which is exactly what a group of teamwork-minded snack food enthusiasts got together to attempt in Tokyo.