We finally get a chance to test this portable laundromat and see just how clean it can make your clothes.
Posted by Master Blaster (Page 108)
That wily shrunken PI always gets to the bottom of things, even while licensing his brand to a line of curry.
These days its hard to describe any music as “unique” but Aragehonji certainly fit that bill.
Yes, you, too, might become a double-medalist in the Olympics, but only if you eat your instant curry!
A handful of golf courses in Fukuoka Prefecture have refused to add a certain checkbox to their applications for fear of their lives.
Do you dread the time the mic gets passed your way during Karaoke functions? We have the answer.
Brush up on your flying chariot versus incense chariot tactics with this close-quarters version of the complex Japanese relative of chess.
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As usual, when Mr. Sato thinks he has a good idea, we strongly recommend you don’t try it at home.
What was meant to be a brief but shameful public apology by the parent of a rape suspect turned into a lengthy feeding frenzy by the media.
The answer may not surprise fans of the lovable rock band.
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Of course making a giant robot suit is no easy task, but Hajime Research Institute is 22 percent there.
When staying at this century-old correctional facility, you might hope they lock you up and throw away the key.
What looked to be a breakthrough in the long battle to peep up the virtual superstar’s skirt turns out to be a dead end.
Warning: The story we are about to tell may not be suitable for the weak-stomached, but if you or someone you know is considering this type of procedure it would be wise to know the risks involved.
Several visitors to the doujin anime, game, and manga convention Comiket have reported peculiar clouds generated by the heat and sweat of everyone present.
Thousands of passengers arrived at their destinations all over Japan last night, only to find that everyone’s bags were left behind.